Ocean Soul was born from a nostalgic longing to be near the ocean in the front room of a family home in Louisville Kentucky over 11 years ago.
Land-locked founder Julie Anderson had always had an affinity for the Ocean. Her love grew from yearly childhood vacations to Florida where she began shelling and beach combing. She was soon fascinated with the treasures and wonders that would wash ashore. Three kids later and years without a trip to bask in the salty air Julie started to miss the Ocean and knew she had to do something.

She started collecting sea glass and sea shells and things that reminded her of her long lost love. She taught her self the art of silversmithing and began incorporating the sea glass and sea shells into jewelry so that the ocean and her never had to be apart.
One day she thought maybe I can sell these? So she listed her first piece of jewelry on etsy the business started growing quickly.
The whole family is involved in the process, and our small family has come to include other small families making us one BIG Ocean Soul family.
The Ocean Soul family works together creating often one of a kind unique ocean inspired bracelets and accessories.
The business has grown so much that it also provides sustainable income for several Balinese artisans. The Balinese are the most proficient silversmiths in the entire world and take great pride and care with every piece of Ocean Soul jewelry.
Ocean Soul is not just a family business, or a jewelry company. It describes a certain type of human. People who no matter how far away from the ocean they get will always have a little tingle that’s stirring in the deep, calling them back to the water. Thanks to social media Ocean Soul is now a global “Ohana”.
A large family of Ocean Lovers that share these positive experiences on Facebook and a few times a year meet up in various locations to gather and shell and have fun.
The movement is growing larger everyday. If you are an Ocean Soul we invite you to join in the fun with us.